
"when" versus "while"

英文解釋請看:參考資料1 + 參考資料2



"when" "while" 兩人都是一家人的情況==> during the time


The prisoners escaped when/while the prison warders were eating their lunch.
When/While the prison warders were eating their lunch, the prisoners escaped.

Somebody broke into the house when they were playing cards.
While they were playing cards, somebody broke into the house.


As the sun went down, I sipped a rum and coke on the balcony.
I sipped a rum and coke on the balcony whilst the sun went slowly down on the horizon.

"when" "while"分家,只能用"when"的情況: ==> at the time


I was asleep in my chair when Dora rang to say she wasn't coming home.

We were playing monopoly when the lights went off.


I thought of it (just) when you opened your mouth.

When the lights went out, everybody groaned: "Oh no, not another power cut!"


I was a little boy, power cuts were very frequent, but that was just after the war.

When I was a child we lived in London (NOT While I was a child …)

His parents died when he was twelve (NOT … while he was twelve)

"when" "while"分家,通常偏用"while"的情況: ==> during the time


Dora left a message on the voice mail while I was asleep in the chair.

While I was writing my Christmas cards, the children were decorating the tree.
<我在寫聖誕卡的同時,孩子們正在裝飾著樹。> OR 我在寫卡片,孩子們在裝飾樹。

I cooked the supper while Jenny did the ironing.
<我煮著晚飯的同時,珍妮在燙衣服。> OR 我在煮晚飯,珍妮在燙衣

While you were reading the paper, I was working.
<你在看報的同時,我在工作。> OR 你在看報,我在工作。

參考資料裡講到的大致就是這樣,while 動作是長時間(during that time),when 是短時間(at that time),while 不可指一點時間(a point of time),when可使用的機率應該比較大。


He rang me up ________ he heard of it.
_____ I had finished my letter, I posted it.
I was about to start _____ it began to rain.
He was going to bed, _____ a letter came.
The case was heard yesterday, _____ her lawyer did his best to defend her.



When I arrived, he was talking on the phone.
When I got there, he had already left.
When it began to rain, I stood under a tree.
When I was in Chicago, I visited the museums.
When I see him tomorrow, I will ask him.

While I was walking home, it began to rain.
